Friday, 31 May 2013

Decisions to Ship Arms to Both Sides in Syrian Civil War Sparks Fears in Israel

 The decision by the European Union this week to allow the expiration of the arms embargo on military hardware shipments to Syria’s rebels was met immediately with a declaration from Russia that they would increase their shipments of weapons to the Assad government. Both of these announcements sparked fears in Israel, which has been watching developments to the north with a wary eye for months now as the civil war has dragged on.

The United Nations estimates that some 80,000 people have been killed in the fighting, and more than 1,000,000 refugees have fled their homes in search of safety. The fighting has drawn radicals from around the world—Hezbollah terrorists and Iranian “volunteers” to fight for the government, and a number of al Qaeda-affiliated groups to fight with the rebels.



Neither group is one that Israel wants to see furnished with advanced weapons. The lessons of the fiasco in Libya may be forgotten by much of the world, but they are remembered well in Israel, which confiscated huge shipments of advanced surface to air missiles that were given to Libyan forces fighting against the government, but ended up in Gaza in the hands of Hamas terrorists.


 Israel’s government responded forcefully to Russia’s promise to send advanced missiles to Syria with a threat to destroy them when they arrive. This is undoubtedly a step Israel would prefer not to take, but the idea of missiles capable of shooting down Israeli military or civilian planes in the hands of those who wish to see Israel destroyed is not acceptable either. 

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This is a time for serious and fervent prayer. The situation is getting worse by the day. In addition to our prayers, Jewish Voice is continuing to work with more than two dozen ministry partners on the ground in Israel to meet the current needs of the people and to prepare to meet the potential threats people will face if war does come. Your financial support today is urgently needed as we do everything we can to prepare for the future. Thank you for being part of this ministry and for standing with us for the Jewish People in these difficult days. God bless you.
To the Jew first and also to the Nations,
Jonathan Bernis

Friday, 24 May 2013

Israel-Syria Border Tensions “More Explosive”

The two-year civil war in Syria has often threatened to spill across the borders into other nations. This week that threat moved even closer to reality as Syrian troops (intelligence reports indicate these were government troops rather than rebels) fired on an IDF patrol jeep near the Golan border. Syria claims to have attacked the jeep inside their territory, but Israel insists the jeep was on Israeli land. Israel responded to the attack with a missile that destroyed the stronghold from which the shots were fired.In a bluntly worded statement, Israeli Defence Forces Chief of Staff General Benny Gantz said, “Israel cannot allow the Golan Heights area to become a comfortable space for Assad to operate from. If he causes [the situation on] the Golan Heights to deteriorate, he will have to bear the consequences.” One reporter described the situation as “more explosive” than anything seen in recent years.

Analysts have long suspected that Assad might attempt to draw Israel into a limited war in an effort to unite his divided country and prop up his tottering regime. Israel’s recent airstrikes to destroy advanced missiles being transferred to Hezbollah terrorists heightened tensions between the two countries. This attack by Syrian forces may be a response to the air strikes, or part of a larger plan to expand the war across Syria’s border and into Israel. Both Hezbollah and Iranian leaders have called for “freedom fighters” to go to the Golan Heights and prepare for attacks on Israel.


Our prayers for the peace of Jerusalem are urgently needed right now. Jewish Voice is doing everything we can, not only to meet the needs of poor people in Israel, but to prepare to help in case another war does break out. Your financial support enables us to purchase and distribute urgently needed supplies, and we ask for your continued help in this important effort.  Thank you for standing with us as we stand with Israel. God bless you.
To the Jew first and also to the Nations,
Jonathan Bernis

Friday, 17 May 2013

Study Reveals Stunning Poverty in Israel

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has just released a study showing that Israel has the highest poverty rate of any developed country in the world.  More than one out of every five people living in Israel is living below the poverty line. And Israelis do not have the same array of social services and safety net that poor people in Europe and America enjoy.
The reality is that tonight thousands of Jewish men, women and children will go to bed hungry. They simply don’t have enough food to eat, and they have no way to meet this urgent and basic need. Many of the poor of Israel are working—they simply don’t earn enough money to cover all of the basic necessities of life for themselves and for their families.

My heart breaks when I read stories like this. And I think of Yeshua, walking among His People, is sorrowing over their needs. The Bible says, When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36). Today I am asking you to share that same compassion that Yeshua felt for these Jewish People in desperate need.
Your prayers and your gift today will allow us to continue working with our ministry partners in Israel to provide food and other essentials of life to the poor of the house of Israel.  There are wonderful doors to present the Gospel being opened through our partnership, but we can only continue to reach out in love as you provide the resources for this work to continue.

The Lord has placed many opportunities for ministry and witness in our path—and as you continue to stand with us, Jewish Voice will keep on doing everything we can to take the Good News of Yeshua to His People and to the world. Thank you so much for being part of this great work with us. God bless you.

To the Jew first and also to the Nations,
Jonathan Bernis

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Friday, 3 May 2013

Working Poor in Israel Struggling to Get By

A new economic report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reveals how difficult life has become for the working poor of Israel.  Unemployment is a widespread problem that has left many in poverty, but even many of those who do have jobs are struggling to get by. According to the study, one quarter of those who are working are “low income”—trying to provide their needs on the equivalent of about $300 per week. As a result poverty and hunger continue to grow among the People of Israel. 

The economic hardship in the Jewish State is partly the result of the intense focus the government must continue on defending against current and future attacks, and partly the impact of worldwide economic boycotts being promoted by Palestinian groups and their supporters.  Though the economy of Israel is in better shape than that of many of its neighbors, there is still a serious problem with providing the social and humanitarian needs of the people.

Our goal is to step into this gap and help meet these needs so that we can minister the Gospel of Yeshua to the Jewish People. Jewish Voice has partnered with more than two dozen ministries on the ground in Israel who are working on the front lines to provide urgently needed help to the poor, sick and forgotten.

Truly this is what Yeshua did as He walked through Israel—reaching out to help those in need and proclaiming the Good News. Your prayers and financial support make it possible for us to continue His work in our day.